Tuesday, August 23, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers

I found this on my computer today. It was a trip I went on back in May but I forgot to post it. Oooooppsy:)

This past weekend was rainy and I thought I was just going to stay in and catch up on some self indulging TV series but instead I was invited to go on a day trip with one of my friends. We ended up going to a spa about an hour outside of Busan that was mostly indoors. I didn’t know much about it so I couldn’t do the normal research I would have done on the internet. I just went with it. The man that was in charge of planning it is an older Korean man that is an event organizer by trait. He organizes trips for foreigners on the side as a hobbie – its great for him because he gets to show his Country and practice his English at the same time. 
We arrived at a carnival type entrance and took our bags out of the van. One thing i’ve learned about Korea since being here is that no matter what you do, there’s sure to be random stuff involved. As soon as we walked in there was a side alley way full of giant balloon characters. It was some sort of balloon festival. It was amazing how many balloons were put into each design.
Next to all the balloons were other giant balloons, but a different kind – the floating, big enough to fit yourself into kind. How could I pass up on that? My girlfriend and I decided to take a spin in one of them that was built for two. It was wayyyyy harder than I thought it was going to be. We basically just bounced around in it for 5 minutes and floated with the ripples from the wind.  It was ridiculously fun though and we both couldn’t stop giggling from our lack of balance and fitness.
We then head up to one of the main buildings were the pool and restaurants were located. We changed into our bathing suits and swam around for a bit. There was also a giant stage in between the kids and adult pool. We were just in time for an act so we got out of the pool to watch the show. There was singing, dancing, and even a man that blew up a balloon and contorted his body to fit inside of it. Oh, Korea – you never cease to surprise me. After we had our entertainment fill we went upstairs to the outdoors spa. It was perfect too because it was off season so there wasn’t many people. The water came directly from deep within the earth and in some spots it was almost too hot to bare.  Believe it or not one of the restaurant actually sells soft boiled eggs that they cook in there. The rock cliff that surrounded it was beautiful. On top of the rock formation it was surrounded by a lush bamboo forest. It was incredibly relaxing and I soaked in every second of it.
There were a couple more relaxation pools inside that we hung out in. The other girls on the trip and I were debating if we should go inside to the women’s only spa. We said to hell with it and just went with it. It was a giant room surrounded by even more cliffs and caverns.  It was amazingly odd, and comfortable all at the same time. It was definitely another successful Korean experience for the books. 

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