Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Dong (Neighbourhood)

Here's some pictures I took a while back around my neighbourhood. I keep forgetting not everyone has facebook so I picked out a few of my favorites to share with you on here. Most were taken from a mountain 15 minutes from my house. It takes a lot longer to hike up it of course but there was a while when I did it almost every day. It was a nice place to get centered again. I haven't been up there in a while though. It only took one person to tell me giant spiders live there during the summer for me to decide to take the summer off from my new found passion for mountaineering... even if the person that told me was an ankle biter themselves :) Most of the other ones were taken at the UN cemetery that's about a 10 minute walk in the opposite direction of the mountain.

Cups hanging along one of the trails incase hikers want some fresh water out of the spring

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