Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dinosaur Island

Back in June I went on another trip that was organized by the same man I went on the spa/balloon trip with. This time it was with a larger group and instead of it being a day trip it was for the weekend. We went on a sailboat through some of the islands on the South West tip of Korea. Some of the islands are joined certain times of the year and are very famous here for that reason. We were also told they housed some of the most intact fossilized dinosaur footprints in the world.

The bus left at 130am on Friday and we didn’t get back until around midnight Sunday. Needless to say Jellycopter teacher was a little cranky come Monday when I had to go back to school. The trip itself was amazing. The weather held up and it wasn’t too hot or cold. It took about 12hours on the road, which included 2 hours getting lost. We made a few pit stops too, of course – one at a beautiful temple for about an hour to stretch our legs out. After looking at a map I still have no idea why or how it took us that long to get there. Anywho, when we finally got to the dock we were all pretty much zombies from traveling so long and not getting the best sleep from all the karaoke that was going on. I think I forgot to mention most of the private tour buss' here come with a full fledged karaoke machine and disco light show which we took full advantage of. Our zombie like state didn't matter much because the sailboat we were about to board on was incredible. We unloaded our bags into the various cabins below sea level then congregated top side to soak in the sun and go for a swim to refresh ourselves before we started sailing. We sailed for about almost 2 hours. The air was thick with fog. It seemed to almost hug the top of mountains of the deserted islands that passed by. It literally looked and felt like we were in the mist of travelling through time – to the land before time. We joked about taking bets on when the first Pterodactyl would swoop down and pick one of us off. I’d be lying if I said part of me didn’t believe it could happen. In the distance through the haze we saw what looked to be an occupied dock with other sailboats docked. Then we saw it... a giant 20 foot Tyrannosaurus Rex. Granit it was a statue, but still, it was pretty freaky considering the murky atmosphere we were surrounded in.
The island stay was such a nice escape. We got to explore different islands, take some time to relax and unwind, and share some stories and laughs with new found friends. Hope you enjoy the pics!  


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