Thursday, November 11, 2010

I think i'm in love...

I try to get out and explore where i’m living as much as I have time to do, without getting too lost that is. Today, I found a quaint oasis in the middle of a construction site and a popular bar scene destination. The menu was Korean but the titles happened to be in English, which was a bonus. I was going to opt out of staying in and eating alone but the server insisted I sit down and then I thought to myself... what else am I going to do – I might as well soak it all in and take the advice that so many people had given me before I came over here. There couldn’t have been more than 6 tables and I was the only one there. The chef was behind a polished glass wall and there was mellow jazz music with English lyrics playing in the background. It was the perfect setting for an escape from the natural stress of walking around outside. I could tell already that it was a place i’d like to come back to. There were 5 different kinds of burgers on the menu so I decided to keep it simple and go for the original and a bottle of perrier. The server took my order and placed it with the chef. I grabbed a Korean Elle magazine that was laying on a shelf and started to browse through it. I was at page 5 when I heard a “Miss” from the background. I looked up and there was the chef - A larger Korean with Dreads and a broken English accent. “You want cheese and bacon since you first customer of day?” Is he kidding? Who would say no to that? I knew I liked this place! I smiled and said “Yes, please” and then smirked as I continued to flip through my magazine. In the middle of it, I ended up coming across a National Geographic add that showed a picture of a polar bear getting friendly with a photographers camera in the Arctic. It triggered something and started to make me think... what the F am I going to do with my life? Not in a bad way, more like in an endless possibilities kind of way. It really made me stop for a good minute or three, but then the thought eventually died down and I continued to daydream about all the different picturesque fashion shots as I sipped on my perrier. In the distance I heard a faint sound of a plate being placed on a counter (my serving skills were kicking in) and then I saw out of the corner of my eye that the server was coming back over... my meal has arrived! My immediate thought was... I think I’m in love. If you stack your fists up on each other, that’s about how tall this beast of a burger was. It came with a side of pickles and coleslaw... there was absolutely nothing Korean about it, except for the fact that there were sides I suppose. It was perfect in every way. I had a little trouble trying to figure out how exactly I would fit two fists into my mouth at once and quickly decided the best route would be to use my fork and knife. I cut into all the layers at once. Fresh Kaiser bun, mayo drenched lettuce, cheddar cheese, razor thin apple slices,  juicy beef patty, cheddar cheese, caramelized bacon, sliced tomatoes, raw red onions, and the top half of the Kaiser bun. Good thing there were two wooden skewers holding everything together cause this puppy was huge! I took my time and savoured the entire thing. I even left part of the bun for the end to make sure I could wipe the plate clean. The coleslaw was just as good; Earthy and sweet. At the end of the meal I put my magazine away and went up to the counter to pay – thanked the server and the chef and said I would be back. I meant it! I never expected to fall in love with a slab of meat, but today was the day.

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